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Click here for full screen version
Students will understand the meaning of the term citizen and digital citizen by viewing the definitions in wikipedia. Students will understand the concept of being a digital citizen by recognizing that the use of technology can make our citizenship global. They will understand the temptation to view their identity in the global community as invisible, making their words and actions untraceable and anonymous and therefore, not significant. Students will understand that just like a bully is a person who is not showing responsibility in being a good citizen, a cyberbully is a person who does not obey the rules of conduct when using technology. Students will log in to Etherpad to create a list of qualities that define a good citizen, a social contract of sorts. Students will create a poster of a wordle created from the document to display on the wall in the computer lab to remind them of the rules of conduct for good citizenship in the real world and in the cyber world. Finally, students will review and discuss the Student User Agreement they signed at the beginning of the school year.
Cyberbullying Glossary by Mandy Murray scanned from the article “Game Over” in ATPE News, Fall 2009, Volume 30, Number 1
PARENTS: You may download the Newsletter below for information on keeping your child safe online.
According to ConnectSafely at, young people are more likely to be harmed by peers or consequences of their on behavior than by adult criminals. Research shows that aggressive behavior online increases a student’s risk while kindness, empathy, and good citizenship reduces it. These researchers concluded the best filter for protecting kids runs in their heads, not on devices. For the next few weeks, students will discuss what it means to be a good digital citizen. The discussion will include the three main risks involved with online activity: inappropriate contact, inappropriate content, and inappropriate conduct.
This week in technology students will learn the importance of keeping their information private on the internet unless they have their parents’ permission to disclose it. They will understand what information is considered private and what information is public in nature. They will also understand the risks involved in disclosing private information. For this activity, I will be incorporating some aspects of the lesson plan at information at
After and initial introduction, students will go to their computers and open the link I create at . I will type two column headings called “Personal” and “Private”. I will then type information such as my first name only, my first and last name, my address, my favorite ice cream, etc. Students will be instructed to drag each line to its proper heading. Students will be instructed to open photobooth on their macbook and take a picture using one of the available backgrounds and save in order to create a motivational poster for internet safety at a later time using
When they have completed their photo, they will spend the remaining time playing the games at by clicking on the picture below.
Click on Dabbleboard to categorize each phrase under the column headings “Private” and “Public”.
Click on the image below, watch the video, and then play the games.
The computer lab is being converted from a PC lab to a Mac lab. Our wonderful tech team began moving 25 PCs to classrooms and unpacking 25 Macbooks. I thought this would make for a good “teachable” moment. Students will learn the concept of an operating system by watching the common craft video on software (found under the fav slideshows and videos link). Students will then compare and contrast the Mac and PC by watching the Mac vs PC commercials shown on youtube below. I used tubechop to shorten the video to embed in this blog post. Students will use the compare/contrast listening sheet while viewing the video. To access the pdf file of the listening sheet, click here. (NOTE) Since I have 15 classes that come to the computer lab, I decided it would be wasteful and unneccesary to copy 300 compare/contrast sheets so I used Studiyo to create a multiple choice quiz (I was able to complete it over my lunch period!) and embedded in my blog so we could look at the questions as a class.
Now see how you do on this multiple-choice quiz.
This week in technology, students will be reviewing parts of the computer. As they enter the lab, they will be assigned one of four color teams. Each team will have nine cards with the following computer parts written on them: scanner, printer, CPU, mouse, monitor, projector, keyboard, compact disc, and ethernet port. Each team will take their cards and place them on the matching parts in the computer lab in the form of a relay race. Students will determine if the placement was correct as a class when all the cards have been placed. Students will then watch the following presentation on input and output:
Students will then log in to the White Oak moodle course at
and take the Parts of the Computer quiz. When they have completed the quiz, they may attempt to complete the jigsaw puzzle below in the fastest time.
Ever wonder what the inside of a computer tower looks like? Click on the link below to find out!
Here is a short Animoto of the trip my family took this summer. How did you spend your summer vacation? Remember, be sure to follow the Rules for Commenting when leaving a comment on a blog.
Welcome to a new school year. We are going to have some great experiences together. I feel so fortunate to be a part of White Oak School and have the wonderful privilege of being a part of your life. We will learn some great new facts this year and get to use technology in a way we have not yet been able to. The most important thing we will do this year is realize we are an important part of each others’ lives. We have the awesome opportunity to make someone’s day or break someone’s day. Let us decide together we are going to strive to be the one to make someone’s day…by a kind word, an understanding heart, or a gracious gesture. After all, we are all in this together! Have a great year! I know I plan to.
I came across this animal next to my house this morning after noticing a very bad smell when walking out of my front door. Can you identify this animal by its tail? The first person to comment on this post with the correct name (and spelling) will have a racquetball with their name on it waiting for them in the computer lab when school starts. Please leave your first name and your former teacher’s name so I can identify you. I hope you are having a great summer!
While cleaning out the back room of my house, I found this insect on the sidewalk. I quickly grabbed my camera to get a picture. I do not believe I have ever witnessed this before. The challenge is to name the insect and tell me what it is doing in this picture. The first student of mine (you had to be at White Oak Intermediate or White Oak Primary School last year) to comment with the correct answer will have a racquetball with their name on it waiting when you return to school in the fall. In the comment, please leave your first name only and the name of your classroom teacher last year. I hope you are having a great summer!
Summer Challenge Insect
I have had more than one student come across my path this summer and tell me they had been to the Keystrokes blog. I decided I would post some challenges for those students who venture here over the summer. I discovered the insect pictured above in the parking lot of my church this morning. Identify the type of insect by looking at its silhouette or the outline its body makes. The student who is the first to post the correct answer in the comments will have a racquetball with their name on it waiting in the computer lab when they return to school. For me to properly identify you, please leave your first name only and the name of your classroom teacher last year. I hope to post many more challenges before your summer vacation comes to a close.