My First Time at TCEA

I have just returned from an exciting week in Austin at the TCEA convention.  I was able to rub elbows with the brightest and the best in the state in regards to educational technology-including the TCEA Classroom Teacher of the Year, the new director that represents Area 7, and the new treasurer of the SOS-SIG.  Best of all, these three individuals came back home with me to my own district! Isn’t life great!  I return with a new sense of resolve to embrace all the technology that is available to me and my students so we might understand and successfully implement those tools that will make learning what it should be – worthwhile.  This blog is a direct result of my week in Austin.  I want to be visible to my colleagues so I can more easily find and collaborate with educators with similar student goals to equip myself to better affect my students.  I want my students to learn and understand this new forum and how it can connect them to other students so they can see how the sharing of ideas is beneficial.  In addition to using blogs like this one, these are other areas I would like to explore as a result of this week:

  • MOODLE lessons in technology
  • Summer Technology Camps
  • Becoming an additional support person for all things tech. on my campus for other teachers and students
  • Offering computer lab availability after school hours and on Saturdays with provided support
  • Collaborating one on one with grade level teachers to integrate their lessons with technology
  • Become trained on the interactive white board and provide lessons that access its technology

As you can see, I’ve caught the techno bug and don’t want the cure.

3 thoughts on “My First Time at TCEA

  1. As I sit here and read this blog, a smile stretches across my face because lives are about to be changed for the better. Our students, staff, and administrators are lucky to have you, and I am proud to call you my friend.

    Excellently put into words.

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